Call for Abstracts



Participants with an accepted abstract (oral or poster) can apply for an ESCMID Attendance Grant which will cover a part of the registration fee (€384). The number of grants is limited. Deadline: 24 May.

Update 16 April: The ESCMID website is currently being re-launched and some links including the subpage with the application to the attendance grant, has been moved. 

In order to apply for ESCMID Attendance Grant for EuroBioFilms 2024, you should follow THIS LINK 


After logging in with ESCMID account details, it is important to choose EuroBioFilms 2024 from the drop-down menu.


We are happy to announce that also for this edition of Eurobiofilms, there will be a special issue of ‘Biofilm’ dedicated to the conference and we encourage all participants to submit work presented at the conference for this Special Issue.

Read more HERE


You are kindly invited to submit abstracts describing research work that you wish to present at the congress, either orally or as a poster. Please read the following guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract.

When submitting your abstract, please indicate whether you would like an oral presentation if eligible, or only a poster. All submissions will be evaluated by the scientific committee who will select abstracts for oral presentation during the 10 sessions. All other accepted abstracts will be presented as posters.


Accepted abstracts will be published in the final programme & abstract book.


Abstracts must be submitted no later than 31 January 2024 - DEADLINE POSTPONED TO 14 FEBRUARY (6 PM CET)


The scientific committee will review all abstracts and select abstracts for oral presentation in the different sessions. Notification of acceptance (oral or poster) will be given by March 2024 at the latest.


Guidelines for submission of abstracts


1. Presenting authors must register for the congress as soon as possible after being notified of acceptance of their abstract and no later than April 21st 2024.


2. Abstracts must be submitted in English.


3. The title (including spaces) should not exceed 30 words and should be written in sentence case. Please do not type a full stop (.) at the end of the title.


4. Please remember to select a topic that in your opinion best fits your work.



           Less known Biofilm interactions.

           Biofilm evolution and regulation.

           Strategies for fighting back biofilms.

           Model systems.

           What’s new in Implant related biofilm infections?

           Correlation or causality?

           Resistance mechanisms of biofilms.

           Spatial biofilm organization.

           Innate and adaptive immune responses towards biofilm infections.

           Imaging and/or Novel technics in biofilm research? 


5. In addition to the topic, please enter 3-5 keywords describing you work


6. The Abstract text should not exceed 350 words including spaces and punctuation.

The abstract must be structured in the following four specified subtitles: Background incl. aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Abstracts cannot contain tables or graphs.


7. Registration of authors: Names, titles, institutional affiliations, cities, countries of all contributing authors should be provided as well as email address of the corresponding author. The presenting author (not necessarily the first author) should be identified.

8. Abstracts should not contain references.

9. Use standard abbreviations. Place a special or unusual abbreviation in parenthesis after the full word the first time it appears. Use generic names of drugs and write numbers as numerals rather than words.


Abstracts, that do not conform with the above guidelines, will not be accepted.

